Journal of Perioperative Echocardiography

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Author Instructions

General Instructions for Submissions

All authors interested in publishing their research work in The Journal of Perioperative Echocardiography (JOPE) will need to submit their manuscripts for publication through a web-based manuscript tracking system. The authors can submit new manuscript; revise their existing manuscripts, upload other required documents. They can as well track the status of their manuscripts, which are already submitted. This system helps the editorial office to communicate with the associate editors, reviewers and thus manage the peer review process. The same system is used for communication with authors. Please go to and register yourself (if first time user) to submit the manuscripts.

Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they contain original data that are not previously published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors are required to submit the manuscript along with all concerned certificates and documents commercial rights transfer formsubmission formcorresponding author formcontribution form available on the web site  of the journal. In case of any queries or additional information, you can write an e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal at

Manuscript Fees

Authors should note that, there are no processing charges for publication of an article in the journal JPECARDIO.


Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using words or ideas (either planned or accidental) of another author/researcher or your own previous works without proper acknowledgment. The journal checks for plagiarism through Turnitin.


The authors hold the copyright of all the editorial content published in this journal from now. All material can be used in part and full for non-commercial output after providing appropriate attribution to the original content of the journal and a link to the licence (CC-BY-NC 4.0). It is mandatory for authors to submit the manuscript along with Commercial Rights Transfer Form.


All open access articles published in JOPE are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license (Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, for non-commercial purposes, provided the original work is properly cited. Under Creative Commons, authors retain copyright in their articles.

Types of Submissions Accepted

All types of submissions / papers should follow a standard format as described in the below “Manuscript component” section.


Usually provide commentary and analysis concerning an article in the issue of the Journal in which they appear. They may include figures and tables. They are always solicited. The editorials would be limited to 1000 words with up to 10 references.

Original Articles:

Reports of original clinical and basic research of interest to the dental community are the primary material to be published as original articles. Randomly controlled trials intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, outcome studies, cost-effectiveness analysis, case-control series, and surveys with a reasonably high response rate. The text would be limited to 3000-5000 words, with an abstract of 250 words, maximum of 5 tables and figures (total) and up to 40 references.

Reviews and Clinical Debates:

An article review is both a summary and an evaluation of another writer's article. They would cover a contemporary topic and would generally be wide-ranging overviews of a field of research. The reviews and clinical debates will be subject to the standard review process. The minimum word length would be 3000 and maximum would be 5000 words with 6 tables and figures (total) and 50 references.

Case Reports/Study:

The Journal encourages the submission of case reports that highlight practical diagnostic and/or management considerations. The format of these papers should follow that described in the “Manuscript Components” section below. Identifying information within written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees should not be given.

Case Series:

Case-series is a descriptive study design and as the name suggests, it is just a series of cases of any particular disease or disease discrepancy that one might observe in one's clinical practice etc.

Letters to the Editor:

The Journal accepts Letters to the Editor that raises some issues related to recently published articles (last 6 months) in the Journal of Perioperative Echocardiography. The letters should not exceed (1000 words) of text and 4 references. While not all “Letters to the Editor” will be published, those that are judged worthwhile will be forwarded to the authors of the articles in question or to selected experts in order to provide the opportunity for a response. Whenever possible, they will be published with the reply of the author of the published article.

Book Reviews:

Books for review shall be posted on the journal, and received reviews shall be published, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Every book up for review shall also be reviewed by certain reviewers on invitation by the Editorial Board, usually a stalwart/pioneer in the subject in question.


Announcement of conferences, meetings, courses, awards, and other events of interest to the readers should be submitted with the name and address of the person from whom additional information can be sought. These can contain up to 200-300 words.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript must have separate documents for:

  • Cover letter,
  • Research Article/Case Review/Original Research/Review Article file,
  • Figure/Table/Graph/Flowchart (with descriptive legends) doc.
Manuscript Components

Microsoft Word 97-2013 or higher document file must be used to submit a manuscript. The text must be double spaced with 1“ margins and justified to the left-hand margin. Avoid using “styles” or document templates. The “Normal” Word format is recommended. (Arial 12 point text is preferred.) Please number all pages.


The title of the manuscript should appear at the top of the first page. The title must clearly state what the article is about.

Cover Letter

A cover letter is a letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal stating why the journal should consider your article for publication.

Title Page

Name and affiliation: Full name of each author (first name, middle initial and last name) followed by each author's highest academic degree(s) and designation. Name of department(s) and institution(s) along with complete address such as city, state and country with which each author is affiliated and to which work should be attributed.

Corresponding Address: Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail of corresponding author.

Running Head: A short title that is running head of no more than 45 characters, including spaces to be provided.

Author Names

Do not include author names in the manuscript in order to preserve anonymity during the review process. Authors' names need to be included in separate document that has to be provided along with main manuscript while submitting the file on the journal's web site.

*Note: The author names along with their complete affiliations need to be attached in Step 4 of submission page, whereas the main document, tables, figures, graphs and other docs will be attached in Step 5.


All articles must include a structured abstract of approximately 200 to 300 words and only include material appearing in the main body of the manuscript. Authors are required to indicate the relevance in a statement of clinical significance within the abstract of the manuscript as well as at the end of the main body of the text.

Structured abstracts vary according to the type of article. All abstracts must be organized into a structured format appropriate to the type of article using the headings listed in the following table:

Primary Research Literature Reviews Case Reports Clinical Techniques
Aim Aim Aim Aim
Materials & Methods Background Background Background
Results Review Results Case Description Technique
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion
Clinical Significance Clinical Significance Clinical Significance Clinical Significance


A list of three to ten keywords contained in the article must be listed below the abstract. A minimum of three and maximum ten keywords are required, and they should contain the type of research such as systematic review, randomized clinical trial, cohort study, case-control study, laboratory research, or "other". (These will be used to search for your article on PubMed and other Internet resources.)

(During the electronic submission process authors will be asked to copy and paste the abstract and the keywords into corresponding text boxes on the submissions pages.)


The body of the manuscript must be organized into a format appropriate for the type of article using bold headings as listed in the following table:

Primary Research Literature Reviews Case Reports Clinical Techniques
Introduction Background Background Background
Materials & Methods Review Results Case Description Technique
Results Discussion Discussion Discussion
Conclusion Clinical Significance Clinical Significance Clinical Significance
Clinical Significance Acknowledgment Acknowledgment Acknowledgment
References References References References


This should clearly state the purpose of the study and identify what issues are going to be addressed.

Material and Methods

This section should carefully describe the selection of the observational or experimental subjects (human or nonhuman) and methods and materials used, including sample size and statistical approaches. Commonly used techniques or methods should be referred to appropriate references and should be described in brief. However, unique experiments, methods, technique should be described in adequate detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results.

Ethical and Humane Considerations

For studies involving living subjects, please see section, below, on Ethical and Humane Considerations and the information regarding mandatory clinical trial registration. All relevant attributes of the material forming the subject of the research should be provided. Experimental methodology should be concisely and appropriately explained. Commercially produced materials, devices, software, etc. must be followed by name of manufacturer and location. Statistical methods should be clearly specified. Manuscripts reporting human studies should include evidence that study was ethically conducted in accordance with Declaration of Helsinki*.

* A statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects, including research on identifiable human material and data


This section should succinctly state the results without any lengthy discussion or interpretation of individual data. Data should be presented using tables, illustrations and graphs. Data in table or illustration form should be referenced in the text, not repeated (e.g. detailed information should not be given in text and tables). Statistical tests should be clearly defined and statistical significance should be shown in both figures and tables with the help of superscripts such as a, b, c, rather than *, ¶, # or other nonsequential symbols.


The discussion should focus on the new and important findings of the study. The observations should be related to other relevant studies in a logical sequence. It should summarize, but not repeat the Results. The Discussion should end with a summary of the data and conclusions. The conclusions should be linked with the aims and objectives of the study and should clearly state whether the objective was achieved. Limitations of the study should also be mentioned.


In academic writing, a well-crafted conclusion can provide the final word on the value of your analysis, research, or paper.


Acknowledgment of the source of any funding for the research associated with the article should be listed here along with a statement that the research was approved by an appropriate human subject's research committee when appropriate. An additional acknowledgement of support provided by other individuals, organizations, institutions is left to the discretion of the author.

Manufacturer Name

Please provide the name of manufacturer with its complete city and country name of all products used in research.

Patient Consent Form

Whenever the photographs/figures of a patient is used in the article, the author has to provide a signed consent form from the patient stating that the patient is permitting the author to use his figures in the article and will not have any objection to it in the future.

You can download Patient Consent Form and submit it along with the manuscript while submitting the article on the web site of the journal.


Bibliography should list references in order of their appearance in the text (not alphabetically) and should follow PubMed Central guidelines along with Vancouver Style. Visit the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website and search for specific reference citations under the section “Fully-Tagged Citations”. Point 2.3 needs to be followed. All references must be cited in the text in superscript. The examples of the references have been mentioned below:


  1. Ellis E III, McNamara JA Jr. Components of adult Class III malocclusion. J Oral MaxillofacSurg 1984;42:295-305.
  2. Guyer EC, Ellis EE III, McNamara JA Jr, Behrents RG. Components of class III malocclusion in juveniles and adolescents. Angle Orthod 1986;56:7-30.
  3. Baik HS. Clinical results of the maxillary protraction in Korean children. Am J OrthodDentofacialOrthop 1995;108:583-92.
  4. Kapust AJ, Sinclair PM, Turley PK. Cephalometric effects of facemask/expansion therapy in Class III children: a comparison of three age groups. Am J OrthodDentofacialOrthop 1998;113:204-212.


AL-Harbi SA, Farsi N. Microleakage of Ormocer-based restorative material in primary teeth: an in vivo study [abstract]. J ClinPediatr Dent 2007;32(1):13-18.

Authored Book

McDonalds RE, Avery DR, Dean JA. Dentistry for child and Adolescent. 7th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 2000;415-424.

Article in an Edited Book with Volume

Frazer JE. The skull: General account. In: Breathnaach AS, editor. Anatomy of the human skeleton. 6th ed. London: J and A Churchill Ltd; 1965;(2): p. 161-181.

Online reference

Prasanthi LK. A study to determine the effectiveness of snake and ladder game on common ailments' among primary school children of a selected school, Bengaluru 2008. RGUHS.

Available at: N024 11978.doc.


Lawrence, Ruth A. A review of the medical benefits and contraindications to breastfeeding in the United States [Internet]. Arlington (VA): National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health; 1997 Oct [cited 2000 Apr 24]. p. 40. Available from:

Place the number of the references at the end of the sentence as superscript to which the reference is related. Use commas to separate multiple reference numbers. For example:

"Bond strength of composite resin to dentin is influenced by the presence of a smear layer.4,5,8-15

If more than one reference is contained in a sentence, then number the reference immediately following the text that refers to the reference. For example:

“Bailey2 found that 46% showed signs of metastasis while Varner3 found only 28%.”


Photographs must be in color; in focus, free of distracting artifacts and consistent in exposure. Place any required labels or arrows on images prior to uploading. Images must be at least 600 by 450 pixels (proportional height) in size when in landscape orientation with a resolution of at least 300 pixels per inch. Graphs should be approximately 500 pixels wide so that all labeling can be read with data points clearly visible. Substantially larger images must be avoided to prevent file transmission and electronic manuscript processing errors. Radiographs, drawings, and graphs can be in black and white but color images are preferred.

File names for images must be clearly labeled according to the order in which they appear, (Fig. 1, Fig. 02 and Figs 1 and 2 or Figs 1-5 etc in brackets and in running sentence, it should be Figure 1 says that...). Images can only be submitted in TIFF, PSD, PNG, and JPEG file formats. If images are produced in PowerPoint, then they must be saved as a JPEG file before uploading during the submission process.

All images are to be placed in numerical order following the reference list and accompanied by a legend describing the content of the image as follows:

Fig. 1: A two-dimensional mid-esophageal aortic valve short axis view at sector angle of 60° showing aneurysm of right sinus of Valsalva burrowing into the right atrium. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

Call outs (citation) must be placed in the body of the manuscript to indicate where an image is to be located. Example:
“Transesophageal echocardiography confirmed the preoperative findings and revealed the unruptured aneurysm of the right coronary sinus with extension into the interventricular septum with characteristic systolic “emptying” and diastolic expansion into the left ventricular outflow tract (Fig 1)."


Tables are placed in numerical order at the end of the manuscript following the list of figures. A legend is to accompany all tables and call outs are to be placed in the body of the text to indicate where the table is to be located in the article.

The tables function in Microsoft Word is to be used to create data tables rather than using columns of tabbed information.

“According to American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines on valvular heart disease, patients with mitral stenosis are divided into 4 stages (Table 2).”

Table 2: Mitral stenosis - stages of the disease process


Once all of the preparation is complete and you have all of the information and files ready for submission, please go to the Homepage and register as an author through our New Author registration. Once you are registered on the web site, you will be sent a username and password to the provided e-mail address. Using the same, you will login into the journal’s website and select Author.

After logging into author’s account, follow the steps for submission available under Manual for Manuscript Submission. Once the submission is completed, you will get a system generated ID for eg. JPJ1296170815. Using this ID you can track the status of your manuscript from submission till publication

Personal Assistance

If you need any assistance regarding the submission of your manuscript at our Scripter’s Zone (electronic submission portal), you may please contact at /


Once the article is accepted, a confirmation mail will be sent to the corresponding author. After about 2-4 weeks post acceptance, the author(s) may write at in order to know the issue placement. A galley proof of the article will be sent to the corresponding author for necessary changes just before the issue is to be published.

Online Proof correction

Once the galley proof of the accepted article is ready, it will be then sent to the Corresponding author. The environment is similar to MS Word: in addition to editing text, you can also comment on figures/tables and have to answer to the queries provided in the query form that will be sent along with the pdf proof. Web-based proofing provides a faster and less error-prone process by allowing you to directly type your corrections, eliminating the potential introduction of errors. 

Please use this proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with permission from the Editor. It is important to ensure that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication. Please check carefully before replying. Proofs must be checked carefully within 48 to 72 hours of receipt, as requested in the cover letter accompanying the page proofs. 

Conflict of Interest 

All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. 

Role of the funding source 

You are requested to identify provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated.


Reprints of articles can be obtained on special request by paying a nominal amount. Please write an e-mail to Tushar Nanda at for the same.

© Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD.